Friday, June 25, 2010

Views from our hotels and shopping at the downtown market

Irma Stern

Yesterday I went to the Irma Stern Museum. She was a contemporary South African artist who donated her house UCT, University of Cape Town. Together with my director, Carol, I am researching her studies of the Congo during the 1940's.

..unfortunately, I won't be here to see the opening of the exhibition that I working on.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Iziko National Gallery

Here are some photos of my work, the Iziko National Gallery.

There was an article
in the magazine Art South Africa about the current exhibition-check out the
cover: ( thats another photo taken inside the gallery).

Portugal vs. North Korea

The Koreans didn't stand a chance against Portugal. Before the game the Portugal crowd pre-gamed on main street, singing the national anthem and waving the Portugal flag over every passing car.